ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elijah E. Myers

Elijah E. Myers was an important man who designed buildings. He was born a long time ago in 1832 and he lived until 1909. During his lifetime, he designed a lot of impressive buildings that are famous even today.

Some of the most important buildings that Elijah E. Myers designed were government buildings, which means they were buildings where important people worked. One of his most famous designs was for the United States Capitol building in Washington D.C. This is a really big building where important people in the government make decisions about our country. It's very important and lots of people visit it every year.

Elijah E. Myers also designed buildings in other states, like the Texas State Capitol building and several courthouses around the country. He was really good at making buildings look grand and important.

Even though he lived a long time ago, Elijah E. Myers' designs are still important today because they are historic and beautiful. People still admire his work and visit the buildings that he designed.