ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elizabeth Cowie

Elizabeth Cowie is a person who studies movies and helps other people understand them better. Just like how you might have a teacher who helps you understand math or how to read, Elizabeth Cowie is like a teacher for movies.

She knows a lot about how movies use things like sound, camera angles, and special effects to make you feel certain emotions. For example, if you watch a movie and feel scared, it might be because of the spooky music or the way the camera moves to show something scary.

Elizabeth Cowie also helps people understand the message behind movies. Sometimes movies have important ideas or themes about things like love or friendship or fighting for what's right. Elizabeth Cowie can help explain those ideas to people who might not have understood them before.

Overall, Elizabeth Cowie is a person who helps us learn more about movies and why they are important.