ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elmina Castle

Elmina Castle is a very old building in Ghana. It's like a big house with many rooms that people lived in a long time ago. It was built almost 600 years ago by the Portuguese people who came to Africa.

But then, other European countries like the Dutch and the British took over the castle and made it into a place where they sold people as slaves. Slavery is when someone is forced to work for someone else without any pay or chance to leave.

Inside Elmina Castle, there were many small rooms called dungeons where they kept the slaves. These rooms were very dark, and they didn't have any windows or fresh air. It was a very cruel and miserable place, and many people died in there because of the terrible conditions.

The slaves who were sold from Elmina Castle were shipped across the ocean to different parts of the world to work on plantations, mines, or as house servants. They were separated from their families and were not allowed to have a good life.

Today, Elmina Castle is still standing, and it's a museum. People go there to learn about the history of slavery and how terrible it was. We must remember that slavery was wrong and that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.