ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elo hell

Okay kiddo, so imagine a game of hide and seek with your friends. Let's say there's one friend who is really easy to find, and another friend who is really good at hiding. If you're trying to find the good hider, it's going to take you a lot longer than finding the easy-to-find friend.

In video games, like League of Legends, the same thing can happen. Some players are really good and some are not as good. When you start playing ranked games, the game tries to match you with other players who are as skilled as you. But sometimes, you might get matched with players who are not as skilled as you, which can make it harder for you to win the game.

When players feel like they are stuck in these lower-skilled games because they keep getting matched with not-so-good players, they might call it "elo hell." It can be frustrating because they feel like they aren't improving or advancing in the game.

But the truth is, you can always improve your skills and try to carry your team to victory, even if you get matched with lower-skilled players. So don't worry too much about elo hell, just focus on getting better and having fun with your friends!