ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Embroidery stitch

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a piece of fabric in front of you and you want to make it look pretty by adding some designs on it. Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric by stitching colorful threads onto it. And stitch is a fancy word for a way of sewing.

Now, there are many kinds of embroidery stitches you can use to make different designs. Let's focus on one stitch called the "backstitch". This stitch is like drawing a line on your fabric with your needle and thread.

First, you need to have a threaded needle. This means you have a piece of thread tied onto the end of a needle. Then, you push the needle through the fabric from back to front, making sure to leave a tail of thread at the back.

After that, you bring the needle back down to the fabric a short distance away from your first stitch. You then push the needle through the fabric, bringing it up where your first stitch ended. This makes a little line of thread on the fabric.

You keep doing this, making sure that every stitch is the same length and that they all line up. This creates a neat and even line of thread that looks like a solid line when you step back and look at it.

There are many other stitching techniques you can use to make different designs and patterns on your fabric, but the backstitch is a great place to start. You can use it to outline shapes, write words, or even make cute little animals! Just remember to have fun and be creative!