ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Emergency medical services

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are the people and tools that help when someone is hurt or really sick and needs help right away.

When you call 911, the people who answer the phone are specially trained to find out what is wrong and send the right kind of help. The types of emergency help you might need are:

1. Ambulances - These are special vehicles that have lots of equipment inside to help take care of people who are sick or hurt. They can also take people to the hospital if they need to go.

2. Firefighters - Sometimes firefighters help when there is an emergency. They might help people out of a building or use special tools to rescue someone who is stuck.

3. Police Officers - Police officers might come to help if someone is hurt or in danger. They will make sure that everyone is safe and call for an ambulance if needed.

Once help arrives, the people who come to help will check to make sure the person is okay and give them medicine or help them move safely. They might use things like special tools to help them breathe or make sure they don't have any bleeding.

EMS workers are very important because they help keep us safe and make sure we get the care we need when we are in an emergency.