ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Emery Molyneux

Emery Molyneux was a man who lived a long time ago, in a time when people didn't have phones or computers or even cars. Instead, they spent a lot of time drawing and exploring the world around them.

Emery Molyneux was really good at drawing maps and charts. These were like big pictures that showed where different places were and what was in them. It was kind of like a treasure map, where you could follow the lines and symbols to find your way.

Molyneux made a lot of maps and charts, and he was really famous for them. People would come to him from all over to buy his maps, because they were so accurate and detailed.

One of the things that made his maps so special was the fact that he used something called a compass. This was a little tool that could tell you which way was north, south, east, and west. It was really important because without it, you could easily get lost.

Molyneux didn't just make maps for fun, though. He was also an explorer, which meant that he went to different places to see what was there. This was really exciting because back then, there were a lot of places that nobody had ever been to before.

One of the places he went to was Greenland, which was a really cold and snowy place. He drew a map of the coastline of Greenland and it was so accurate that people still use it today, hundreds of years later.

So, even though Emery Molyneux lived a long time ago, his maps and charts still help people find their way around today. And it's all thanks to his hard work and love of exploration.