ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eminescu (crater)

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of the moon? It's a big round rock orbiting around the earth. And on that moon, there is a really big hole called a crater. This particular crater is called eminescu, which is named after a famous poet named Mihai Eminescu.

So imagine you have a big ball of play dough and you push your finger really hard into it. You'll make a hole, right? Well, that's kind of what happened with eminescu. A really big rock from space crashed into the moon long ago and made a huge hole.

Now, eminescu crater is really cool because it's one of the biggest craters on the moon! It's about 105 miles wide, which is like driving from your house to your grandma's house and back again. Can you imagine how big that is? And scientists like to study eminescu because it helps them learn more about the moon and how it was formed.