ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Emissions embodied in international trade

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what "emissions embodied in international trade" means with some simple words.

Do you know what "emissions" are? They are like bad gases that come out of cars and factories, and they can make our air dirty and harm the environment.

Now, imagine there are two countries: Country A and Country B. Country A makes lots of things like clothes, toys, and electronics, while Country B buys those things and uses them.

When Country A makes those things, they use energy and release emissions into the air. This is called "production-based emissions." But when those things are sent to Country B, they also carry the emissions with them.

So, even though Country B didn't make those things themselves, they are still responsible for the emissions that came from making them. This is called "consumption-based emissions," because it's based on what people consume or buy.

So, "emissions embodied in international trade" means that the emissions from making things in one country are transferred to another country when those things are traded between them. It's important to think about this because if we only focus on production-based emissions and ignore consumption-based emissions, we are not taking responsibility for the full impact of our actions on the environment.