ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, so have you ever seen a flashlight? When you turn it on, it emits light, right? Well, "emite" is a fancy word that just means something is giving off or producing something else.

Think of it like a fire - when you light a fire, it emits heat and light. And in science, things can emit all sorts of things, like sound, radiation, or even gases.

So if someone says that something is "emitting radiation", it just means that it's giving off a type of energy that we can't see, like what comes out of a microwave. And if they say something is "emitting a gas", it's just like how you can smell the stinky farts your older brother keeps letting out.

Basically emite just means that something is making something else and you don't even have to be a grown-up to understand that!