ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Encastellation is like building a house made up of a lot of tiny pieces that fit perfectly together like a puzzle. Imagine playing with Lego blocks, but instead of making a tall tower, you are building something that looks like a castle or a big puzzle. This is what encastellation is all about.

Just like with Lego blocks, each piece in encastellation has to fit perfectly with the other pieces to make a strong structure. Encastellation is a fancy word for putting together a lot of small pieces to make something bigger and stronger.

In real life, encastellation is used in many different fields, like construction and engineering. It's a way to make sure that buildings and machines are built well and are strong enough to last for a long time.

So, basically, encastellation is a way of building things using a lot of small pieces that all fit together perfectly to create something big and strong.