ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security

An encyclopedia is a big book that has all sorts of information about different topics, kind of like a giant dictionary. Cryptography is a way of keeping things secret by using codes and ciphers to make information unreadable to anyone who doesn't know the code. Security means keeping things safe and making sure that bad guys can't get to them, like putting a lock on a door to keep out burglars.

So an encyclopedia of cryptography and security is a really big book that tells you all sorts of things about how to keep information safe and secret. It talks about different codes and ciphers, like how to turn words into numbers or pictures to keep them secret. It also talks about how to keep computer information safe from hackers and other bad guys who might try to steal it or mess with it. So it's a big book all about secrets, locks, and keeping things safe!