ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

End-to-end auditable voting systems

Imagine you and your friends want to have a vote to decide something together. Maybe you want to vote for which game to play or what snack to eat. To do this, you write down your choices on a piece of paper and then everyone puts their vote in a jar.

Now, you might be wondering how you make sure the count is correct and nobody cheats. That's where an end-to-end auditable voting system comes in. It's a fancy way of saying that there are lots of steps in place to make sure your vote is counted fairly and nobody tries to cheat.

First, let's talk about the end-to-end part. This means that every step of the way, from when you write down your vote to when the final count is announced, there are checks and double-checks. This is like playing a game of telephone - the message (your vote) has to be passed along from person to person, and each person checks to make sure they got it right before passing it on.

Next, let's talk about the "auditable" part. This means that the count can be checked and verified after it's done to make sure everything was done fairly. Think of this like when your teacher checks your math homework to make sure you got the right answer.

So, when you and your friends vote using an end-to-end auditable voting system, here are some things that might happen to make sure everything is fair and correct:

1. You might use a special computer program to vote instead of a piece of paper. This way, the computer can check to make sure you didn't vote more than once and your vote is only counted if it is recorded correctly.

2. There might be a physical record of your vote, like a paper receipt, so you can go back and check that your vote was recorded correctly if something goes wrong.

3. There might be people who supervise the whole voting process to make sure nobody tries to cheat or do something unfair.

4. After the votes are counted, there might be a special team of people who check to make sure the count was done correctly and nobody tried to cheat.

So, in summary, end-to-end auditable voting systems use lots of different checks and double-checks to make sure everyone's vote is counted fairly and nobody tries to cheat. Think of it like playing a game with a lot of rules to make sure everyone plays fair and nobody cheats.