ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Endo contractualization

Endo contractualization is a type of agreement between an employer and employee. In this agreement, the employer hires the employee for a fixed period of time, usually 6 months to a year, and the employee agrees to work during this time for a certain wage or salary. After the agreed-upon period, the employee's contract ends. This means that the employer does not have to pay any benefits or other types of long-term employment rights to the employee. It is different from regular employees, who can be with the same company for many years and even have job security. Endo contractualization can be beneficial to some employers because they can hire people to do specific tasks and can end the contract when the task is finished, thus saving them money in terms of benefits and other costs. But, it can be unfair to the employee because they do not have the same job security or benefits that regular employees have.
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