ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Energeticism is the idea that everything in the universe is made up of energy. Energy is like a magic power that can make things happen, like a superhero's superpowers.

Do you know how when you jump up and down, you use up energy? When you eat food, your body gets energy from it to move around and do things. Even things that you can't see, like the wind blowing or the sun shining, are forms of energy.

Now, imagine that everything in the universe has this energy inside of it. Even objects that look like they're not moving, like a rock, have energy inside of them. This energy can change and transform from one form to another.

So, when you kick a ball, you're putting energy into it. When you stop the ball with your foot, the energy goes away. It changes form into something else, like heat, sound, or movement.

Energeticism is a way of looking at the world that helps us understand how everything is connected by energy. Whether you're playing with toys, running around outside, or just sitting still, there's energy all around us that's making everything happen.
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