ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

English-language accents in film

Okay kiddo, have you ever noticed how some characters in movies speak differently than others? They might have a different way of saying words or different sounds in their words. That’s called an accent! People from different places around the world have different accents when they speak English because of their different languages and cultures.

When filmmakers make movies, they want the characters to seem like they are from different places or have different backgrounds. So sometimes they give the characters accents to make them sound more like real people. For example, if the character is from London, they might have a British accent with sounds that are different than what we hear in American accents.

Sometimes, characters in movies might even have accents that aren’t from real places! These are called made-up accents or dialects. They might be used for fantasy or science fiction movies where the characters are from another planet or world.

Accents in movies can be really fun to listen to and can help us understand more about where the characters come from. But it’s important to remember that just because someone has an accent, it doesn’t mean they are better or worse than anyone else. We should always treat people with kindness and respect no matter how they sound when they talk.