ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ennigaldi-Nanna's museum

Ennigaldi-Nanna's museum was a really old museum that was made by a very important lady named Ennigaldi-Nanna a really long time ago, like way before you were born. In fact, she lived around 530 BCE, which is more than 2,500 years ago!

Ennigaldi-Nanna was a princess, and one day she decided to make a museum in the city of Ur, which was in the country of Mesopotamia, where people had been living for thousands of years. This museum was special because it was one of the first museums in the world!

Ennigaldi-Nanna collected all sorts of things to put in her museum that she thought were interesting or important. Some of the things she collected were really old, like statues and tablets, and some things were really new, like jewelry and toys.

But what made Ennigaldi-Nanna's museum really special was that she made sure to write things down about each item and explain what it was and why it was important. This was really cool because back then people didn't have books like we do today, so this was a great way for people to learn about the objects in the museum.

People could come and visit the museum and learn about the things Ennigaldi-Nanna collected, even if they couldn't read or write. It was like a big classroom where everyone could learn something new!

Ennigaldi-Nanna was very clever and made sure that her museum would last for a long time. She put all the things she collected in one special room and sealed it up, so they could be discovered by other people in the future.

And you know what? Thousands of years later, archaeologists found Ennigaldi-Nanna's museum and all the cool things she collected. They were amazed at how organized and detailed the museum was, and it helped them learn a lot about what life was like in Mesopotamia so long ago.