ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Entanglement witness

Okay, imagine that you have two toys that are connected by a magical string. When you play with one toy, the other one moves at the same time, even if it is far away. This is called entanglement, and it happens in very, very tiny particles called atoms. Scientists study entanglement because it can help us make things like super-fast computers and super-secure communication.

Now, imagine that you have a box with two toys inside, and you want to figure out if they are entangled. One way to do this is to use something called an entanglement witness. This is like a special tool that helps us see if the toys are connected by a magical string.

To use the entanglement witness, you have to do a special test on the toys. This test measures how much they move together and how much they move independently. If the toys are entangled, they will move together a lot more than if they are not.

So, the entanglement witness helps us figure out if two toys are connected by a magical string, even if we can't see the string. Scientists use this tool to study entanglement and learn more about how tiny particles work together.