Hello there! So you know how grownups sometimes have businesses that make and sell stuff? Well, sometimes these businesses need a lot of money to grow and make new things. That's where Enterprise Capital Funds come in.
An Enterprise Capital Fund is kind of like a piggy bank for grownups who are starting or growing businesses. Lots of people, like rich people or banks, put money into the piggy bank. Then, the people who run the Enterprise Capital Fund take that money and use it to help other grownups start or grow their businesses.
When the Enterprise Capital Fund helps out a business, they usually become part owners of the business. That means they get some of the profits if the business does well. They might also give advice and help make decisions to make the business even better.
So, Enterprise Capital Funds help grownups with big ideas get the money they need to start or grow their businesses. And if those businesses do well, everyone who put money into the piggy bank gets to share in the success!