ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Enterprise JavaBeans

Imagine you have a big toy box with lots of different toys inside it. Each toy has a specific job to do, like a toy car that you can push around or a toy phone that you can pretend to talk on.

Now imagine a company that has a big computer system that needs to do lots of different jobs too, like keeping track of orders or managing user accounts. Enterprise JavaBeans (or EJBs for short) are like the different toys in your toy box, but instead of toy cars and phones, they are computer programs that do specific jobs.

Just like how you can take a toy out of the toy box and play with it, a computer program can use an EJB to do a specific job. For example, if the computer program needs to send an email, it can use an EJB that knows how to send emails.
EJBs are special because they are designed to work in a big computer system called an enterprise system. This is like having a really big toy box with lots of different toys that work together. In an enterprise system, different computer programs can use different EJBs at the same time to do all the jobs needed to run the system smoothly.

Overall, EJBs are like helpful toys in a toy box, but for computer programs in a big enterprise system, they help each program do a specific job to keep everything running smoothly.