ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Enumerative geometry

Enumerative geometry is like a fun game that mathematicians play with shapes called curves. Imagine you have a big stack of different shaped cookies, like circles, hearts, and stars. Now, let's say you want to make a delicious dessert using two of these cookies, but not just any two cookies - you want two specific cookies that have a certain relationship to each other. That's what enumerative geometry is all about - finding specific pairs of shapes that meet certain conditions.

But how do mathematicians play this game? They use tools like algebra and geometry to describe the cookies and their relationships. They ask questions like: "How many pairs of cookies can I find that intersect at exactly one point?" or "How many pairs of cookies can I find that never touch each other?" These questions are called "enumerative problems" because they ask how many solutions there are to a particular problem.

To help them answer these questions, mathematicians often use a tool called a "moduli space." Think of it like a big chart or graph that shows all the possible shapes that exist, and where they're located in relation to each other. Much like a treasure map, this moduli space can help mathematicians navigate through all the different shapes and find the specific ones they're looking for.

So why do mathematicians play this game with cookies and shapes? It may seem like just a fun exercise, but in reality, enumerative geometry has practical applications in many fields, from physics to computer science. By understanding how shapes interrelate, mathematicians can solve problems involving things like particle interactions, computer graphics, and even cryptography.

In summary, enumerative geometry is a fun game that uses shapes like cookies to solve mathematical problems. By using tools like algebra and geometry, mathematicians can find specific pairs of shapes that meet certain conditions, and use moduli spaces to navigate through all the different shapes. This game may seem like just a fun exercise, but it has practical applications in many fields and helps us understand how shapes interact in the world around us.