ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environment of Albania

Albania is like a big outdoor playground with lots of mountains, forests, and rivers to explore. The environment is really important because it helps make sure that the people and animals that live there stay happy and healthy.

The air in Albania is pretty clean because there aren't a lot of factories or cars that make pollution. That means that when you breathe in the air, it's nice and fresh.

There are also a lot of different animals that live in Albania, like bears, wolves, and eagles. It's important to make sure that they have enough food and places to live so they can keep living in the forests and mountains.

Sometimes, people throw trash on the ground or in the rivers, which can hurt the environment. So everyone needs to work together to make sure they put their trash in a trash can or recycling bin.

Overall, Albania has a really cool environment that needs to be protected so that it can keep being a great place for people and animals to live.