ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environmental Quality Management

Environmental Quality Management, or EQM, is like taking care of our planet Earth. Just like how we take care of our own rooms and houses, we also have to take care of Earth so that we can all live safely and happily.

EQM means making sure that the air, water, and land around us are safe and healthy. We want to make sure that we don't use too much of our planet's resources, like trees and oil, so that we can keep them for a long time. We also want to make sure that we don't create too much pollution, which can harm animals and plants that live on Earth.

To help take care of the planet, there are people who work in EQM. They are called environmental quality managers. They make sure that factories and businesses don't create too much pollution or harm the environment. They also make sure that people recycle and don't litter.

Everyone can help with EQM, too! We can all try to use less water and electricity, and we can recycle things like plastic bottles and paper. We can also pick up trash when we see it on the ground.

EQM is all about taking care of our planet so that we can continue to live happily on Earth for a long time.