ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Episcopal intercession

Okay kiddo, let me try to explain what episcopal intercession means in a way that you can understand.

Do you know what a bishop is? A bishop is a special leader of a group of churches or a diocese. They have an important job to help people in their communities and keep the church running smoothly.

One of the things that bishops do is something called intercession. That's a big word that means they pray for other people. But it's not just any normal prayer. When a bishop intercedes, they are asking God to help someone specific or to solve a problem that someone is facing.

So let's say someone you know is really sick and needs help. You could pray for them, but if a bishop intercedes, it's like they're praying extra hard and asking God to do something extra special to help that person get better.

It's kind of like having your own personal superhero who can talk to God and ask for help on your behalf. Pretty cool, right? And that's what episcopal intercession means in a nutshell.