ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Epoxy value

Epoxy value is like the amount of glue that is in glue. You know how you use glue to stick things together? Well, when you mix up two chemicals called resin and hardener, they stick together and create something really strong called epoxy.

The epoxy value is a way of measuring how much of this strong glue-like substance is in the mixture. Different mixtures of resin and hardener can have different amounts of epoxy in them. A higher epoxy value means that there is more of the strong glue-like substance in the mixture.

This is important because the amount of epoxy affects how strong and durable the final product will be. So, if you want to make something really strong, you would use a mixture with a high epoxy value.

It's a bit like making a cake. If you want a really big cake, you need more ingredients like flour, eggs, and sugar. And if you want a really strong cake, you might add more butter or maybe some extra chocolate chips. Similarly, if you want a really strong epoxy, you need to have more of the strong glue-like substance in the mixture.

So, when people talk about epoxy value, they're really talking about how strong and durable a certain mixture of resin and hardener is.