ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Okay kiddo, let me explain what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is all about!

So you know how people come in different colors, speak different languages, and practice different religions? That’s what makes people unique and special! But sometimes, people treat each other unfairly because of those differences.

That’s where the EEOC comes in. They make sure that people are hired, paid, and treated fairly at their jobs, no matter what they look like or where they come from.

The EEOC is like a superhero team that helps people who have been treated badly at work because they’re different. They listen to complaints from people who feel they have been treated unfairly and help to make things right.

For example, let’s say someone gets denied a job at a store just because they use a wheelchair. That’s not fair, right? The EEOC can step in and make the store hire that person, and even pay them money for being treated unfairly.

So the EEOC makes sure that everyone has a fair chance to work and live without discrimination. They’re like the heroes who make sure everyone is treated equally and fairly!