ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Erasable programmable logic device

An erasable programmable logic device (EPLD) is like a very fancy play-dough that can be molded and remolded to do different things. Imagine having a big box of different shapes of play-dough, like a circle, a square, and a triangle. You can use those shapes to make different things, like a pizza or a house, by sticking them together like a puzzle.

An EPLD works in a similar way, but instead of play-dough shapes, it uses digital electronic components like transistors to create circuits that can perform different tasks. Think of it like a very cool toy robot that can be changed to do lots of different things. For example, it could be programmed to turn on a light switch when you clap your hands, or to count how many times you jump in place.

The great thing about EPLDs is that they can be programmed and reprogrammed with different instructions to do different tasks. It's like you have a toy robot that can learn new tricks every day! But, just like with play-dough, if you mess up your design, you can always start over and create a new design or program for your EPLD.

Overall, an EPLD is a special type of electronic component that can be programmed to do different things using digital circuits. It's like building a toy robot out of play-dough components that can learn new tricks every day.