ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Erie Gauge War

Ok kiddo, so you know how when you play with water and you have different containers, you can fill them up to different levels? Well, imagine if there were lots of different containers all over the place, like lakes, rivers, and canals.

Now, people use those containers to send big boats called ships with things like food, toys, and cars all over the world. But, each container has a different level of water, so the boats need to know how much water is in each container so they don't get stuck or hit something underwater.

A long time ago, there was a big argument between some people who made the containers and the people who used the boats. The argument was about how to measure the water level in a container called Lake Erie, which is one of the really big containers that the boats use.

The people who made the containers said they wanted to use a special kind of ruler that measured the water level in inches, and they called it the "Erie Gauge". But the people who used the boats said they didn't like that ruler because it was hard to read and sometimes gave different measurements. They wanted to use a different ruler called the "Crosby Gauge" that measured the water level in feet and inches.

So, the argument went on and on for a while and both sides got really mad at each other. Finally, the people who used the boats won the argument and the Crosby Gauge became the standard way to measure the water level in Lake Erie and other containers.

Now, everyone uses the Crosby Gauge and the Erie Gauge is just a funny old ruler that nobody really uses anymore. But, the argument that happened a long time ago is still called the "Erie Gauge War" because it was such a big deal at the time.