ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

Erik Erikson had an idea that we all go through different stages of learning and understanding as we get older. He called these stages "Erikson's stages of psychosocial development." It's a way of understanding how we change and grow.
At each stage, we face a new challenge and have to find a way to handle it. Depending on how well we can do this, we will either do really well and feel proud of what we accomplished, or we may struggle and feel like we aren't very successful. All of these experiences help shape how we think, act, and feel in later stages of life.

There are 8 stages in all:
1. The first stage is "Trust vs. Mistrust" and it happens from birth to about one year old. In this stage, babies learn to trust those who take care of them, like their parents or caregivers.
2. The second stage is "Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt" and it happens from age 1 to age 3. In this stage, toddlers learn to be independent, like feeding themselves and dressing themselves, but at the same time they may still feel ashamed when they don't get things right or when things don't go as they hoped.
3. The third stage is "Initiative vs. Guilt" and it happens from age 3 to age 6. During this stage, children learn how to make their own decisions and explore the world around them. They may feel guilty when they do something wrong.
4. The fourth stage is "Industry vs. Inferiority" and it happens from age 6 to age 12. This stage is all about developing skills and learning how to do things, but kids may feel like they are not as good as other kids.
5. The fifth stage is "Identity vs. Role Confusion" and it happens from age 12 to age 18. In this stage, teenagers start to figure out who they are, what they believe in, and what they want to be.
6. The sixth stage is "Intimacy vs. Isolation" and it happens from age 18 to age 30. In this stage, adults start to build relationships with others and form bonds with people. They may feel isolated if they don't find someone to connect with.
7.The seventh stage is "Generativity vs. Stagnation" and it happens from age 30 to age 65. During this stage, adults start to think about the legacy they will leave when they are gone and how to make a difference in the world.
8. The last stage is "Integrity vs. Despair" and it happens from age 65 to death. In this stage, people come to terms with their life and look back at what they have accomplished. They may have feelings of despair if they feel like they haven't done enough.

These stages help us understand how we change and grow as we get older. It's important to know that everyone is different, so we may go through stages at different times and at different speeds.