ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eris (simulation)

ERIS is like playing pretend with dolls, but instead of using real dolls, we use a computer to make a pretend world. This pretend world is called a simulation.

In ERIS, scientists use the computer to make a pretend world that looks and behaves like the real world. But instead of making a pretend world of just one thing, they can make a pretend world of many things at the same time.

For example, they can make a pretend world of a whole city, with people, cars, buildings, and even the weather. They can change the pretend world to see what happens if they make different choices. They can see if the pretend city gets too crowded with too many cars or if the weather gets too hot for people to be outside.

Using ERIS, scientists can learn a lot about how things work in the real world. They can use what they learn to improve the way we live, work, and play. That’s why ERIS is really important!