ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Erlang Shen

Erlang Shen is a magical god from Chinese mythology who is known as the god of thunder. Just like how you have a favorite superhero that can fly, shoot webs or move fast, people in China believe in Erlang Shen as a powerful god who protects them from bad things and brings good luck.

Erlang Shen wears a cool hat with an iron plate, a cotton robe and is armed with a special spear to fight against evil monsters and demons. He can control the weather, make thunder and lightning strike, and even push back natural disasters like floods and droughts. That's why people in China pray to Erlang Shen when they want to be safe and happy.

Even though Erlang Shen is a mythological character, the belief in him has lasted for thousands of years in Chinese culture. People still celebrate his birthday every year, and temples have been built in his honor all around China. So, if you ever feel frightened by loud thunder or a scary storm, you can call on Erlang Shen to keep you safe!