ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Erotic lactation

Erotic lactation is when someone gets sexually aroused by the act of drinking milk from a woman's breast. It's kind of like when a baby drinks milk from their mother's breast, but instead of being done for nutrition, it's done for sexual pleasure.

Some people find this to be an exciting and arousing experience, and it's a part of many people's sexual fantasies. It can involve a woman producing milk through breastfeeding or using a breast pump to make milk, and it can also involve role-playing scenarios where a person pretends to be a baby while drinking the milk.

While this practice is not common among all people, it is something that some individuals enjoy and find pleasure in. It's important to remember that every individual has the right to express themselves and their sexuality in a way that feels comfortable and safe for them, and that as long as all parties involved are consenting adults, there is no harm in exploring different forms of sexual activity.