Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what eschatological verification is and break it down into simpler terms.
Eschatological verification is a fancy way of saying that something can only be proven true or false at the end of time, or in other words, when the world comes to an end. This is because some beliefs or ideas about the world relate to events that are supposed to happen in the future, when the world comes to an end.
For example, some people believe that when the world ends, there will be a judgment day where people will be judged and sent to either heaven or hell. But since this hasn't happened yet, we can't really prove if this belief is true or false.
Another example is the belief in reincarnation. Some people believe that after they die, their souls will be reborn in another body. But again, we can't really prove if this is true or false until the end of time, when all souls have been reborn.
So in simpler terms, eschatological verification is a way of saying that some things can only be proven true or false when the world comes to an end, because they relate to events that are supposed to happen in the future.