ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Estonian–Russian territorial dispute

Imagine you have a playground where you and your friends usually play together. However, one day, some other children come and say that half of the playground belongs to them and they want to play there too. This is kind of what happened between Estonia and Russia.

Estonia and Russia are countries with borders that touch each other. In 1991, Estonia became an independent country and they had a dispute with Russia about where their borders should be. This is called the Estonian-Russian territorial dispute.

Estonia believes that their border is in a certain place, but Russia thinks that the border is somewhere else, and they have not been able to agree.

They both think that they have the right to the land, and it is like two people trying to share the same cake, but both wanting to have the bigger slice.

This has been going on for many years, and it affects the people who live near this disputed land. Some of them don't know if they are living in Estonia or Russia, which can be confusing and create problems for them.

However, both Estonia and Russia are talking and negotiating about this issue, hoping to find a way to solve it peacefully.