ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eternal life (Christianity)

Okay kiddo, so you know how we all have a life right? We're born, we grow up, we get old and then we die. That's just the way it is for everyone. But some people believe that if you believe in Jesus and follow his teachings, then you can live forever even after you die. That's what we call eternal life.

Basically, when we die our body stops working and we can't move or breathe or do anything. But people who believe in eternal life think that our souls, which are like our spirit, continue to live even after our body dies. And they believe that if we follow Jesus and believe in him, we get to go to Heaven, which is like a really special and happy place where we can be forever.

So in a way, eternal life means that we don't really "die" in the sense that we just stop existing. Our soul keeps living and we get to be in Heaven with Jesus and other people who believe in him. It's kind of like a really cool never-ending party, but without any sadness or pain.

Of course, not everyone believes in eternal life or in Jesus, and that's okay too. But for those who do believe, it's a really special and important part of their faith.