ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ethernet crossover cable

An Ethernet crossover cable is a special kind of cable that helps two devices (like computers) talk to each other directly. Normally, devices like computers and routers use a regular Ethernet cable to talk to each other. But if you want two devices to talk to each other directly without using a router, you can use a crossover cable.

Imagine you and your friend want to talk to each other, but you're in different rooms and can't hear each other. Your mom tells you to go downstairs and talk to your friend. But what if you want to talk to your friend directly without going through your mom? You can make a special "friendship cable" that connects your room to your friend's room, and then you can talk to each other directly. This is kind of like what an Ethernet crossover cable does for computers.

When two regular Ethernet cables are connected, one device sends signals (like words) through one wire and the other device receives them through another wire. But with a crossover cable, some of the wires are switched around so that the sending and receiving wires are connected to the right pins on both ends of the cable. Imagine that you and your friend each have a walkie-talkie, but you're both holding the same walkie-talkie and talking into the same end! You need to make sure you hold both ends of the walkie-talkie so that one end is for talking and the other is for listening. This is kind of like what a crossover cable does for computers.

So, to summarize, an Ethernet crossover cable is a special cable that helps two devices talk to each other directly without using a router. It switches around some of the wires in the cable so that the sending and receiving wires are connected to the right pins on both ends of the cable, like holding both ends of a walkie-talkie.