ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ethics committee (European Union)

Okay kiddo, do you know what rules are? They're like a set of instructions that help us do the right thing. And sometimes, when grown-ups make big decisions, they need to follow some rules too. That's where the European Union ethics committee comes in.

The European Union is a big group of countries that work together to make decisions. Sometimes those decisions can be really important, like making sure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect. That's where the ethics committee comes in.

The ethics committee is a group of adults who are really good at making fair and thoughtful decisions. They have a special job - to help make sure that the people in the European Union are safe, healthy, and treated fairly.

So, let's say some grown-ups in the European Union want to make a new rule that will affect a lot of people. Before they can do that, they need to ask the ethics committee for their opinion. The ethics committee will think about the rule and ask questions like "will this rule be fair for everyone? Will it help people or hurt them? How will this rule affect the environment?" and so on.

Based on their thoughts, the ethics committee will give their opinion to the grown-ups who want to make the new rule. They might say "yes, this is a good rule because it will help people stay safe" or "no, this is a bad rule because it will hurt the environment." The grown-ups can then use that opinion to help them make their final decision about whether to make the new rule or not.

So basically, the ethics committee is a very grown-up version of someone helping you make good choices. They want to make sure that everyone in the European Union is treated fairly and with respect.