ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Well, Eubulides was a really smart person who lived a long, long time ago. He was actually from a place called Miletus, which is in ancient Greece. People like Eubulides were called philosophers, which basically meant that they studied things like logic and reasoning (which means thinking things through in a really careful way).

One of the things that Eubulides was really famous for was coming up with a bunch of tricky questions that people had a hard time answering. These questions were called paradoxes, which is kind of like a puzzle that makes your brain feel all confused.

One of Eubulides' most famous paradoxes was called the liar paradox. This one goes like this: "This statement is false." Now, if you think about it, if this statement is true, then it must be false. But if it's false, then it must be true! See, it's really confusing!

Another paradox that Eubulides came up with was called the heap paradox. This one goes like this: if you have a pile of sand, and you take away one grain of sand, is it still a pile? What if you keep taking away one grain at a time? At what point does it stop being a pile?

Anyway, Eubulides was a really clever guy who liked to make people think really hard about things. He's remembered today as one of the most important philosophers in ancient Greece!