ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eugène Poubelle

Eugène Poubelle was a man who lived a long time ago (over 100 years ago!) in a big city in France. At that time, people didn't have a good way to get rid of their trash. They would just throw it on the street or in a big pile, which was really gross and made the city very dirty.

Eugène Poubelle was in charge of keeping the city clean, and he had a really good idea. He thought that people should have different containers to separate their trash into different types, like food waste, paper, and things like that. This way, the trash could be sorted and recycled properly.

So, Eugène Poubelle made a new rule that people had to use these different containers and he even made special containers that were named after him - "poubelles". People started to follow this rule and the city became much cleaner and healthier.

Eugène Poubelle's idea was so good that other cities started to copy him. Now, everywhere in the world, we use trash cans and recycle bins to keep our cities clean and healthy, and we have Eugène Poubelle to thank for that!