ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Article Numbering-Uniform Code Council

The European Article Numbering (EAN) and Uniform Code Council (UCC) are two systems that help people identify and track products. Imagine you are in a grocery store, and you want to buy some fruit. You pick up an apple, and you see a barcode on it. That barcode has many lines and spaces that represent numbers. These numbers have been assigned to that apple by the EAN and UCC systems.

The EAN system was created in Europe to give every product a unique number. This makes it easier for stores to keep track of what they have and what they need to order. The UCC system was created in the United States to do the same thing. These systems work together, so products have the same number all around the world.

When a product is made, it gets a number assigned to it by the EAN and UCC systems. The barcode on the product is like a translator that turns that number into lines and spaces. When the barcode is scanned at a store, it sends the number to the store's computer. The computer uses that number to look up information about the product, like how much it costs and how many are in stock.

In summary, the EAN and UCC systems give every product a unique number that is turned into a barcode. That barcode helps stores keep track of their inventory and makes it easier for you to buy what you need.