ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Systemic Risk Board

The European Systemic Risk Board is like a big group of grown-ups who want to make sure the economy in Europe is safe and doesn't get into trouble. Just like how grown-ups work together to keep us safe and happy, the European Systemic Risk Board is made up of lots of important people from different countries who work together to keep the economy healthy.

See, sometimes there are things that can happen in the economy that can cause problems, like when people lose their jobs or when prices for things go up too fast. The European Systemic Risk Board is here to help make sure those things don't happen too often.

They do this by looking at lots of information about banks, governments, and other important parts of the economy. They use that information to figure out if there are any problems coming up that might cause trouble. Then, they can give advice to the people who make decisions in those important parts of the economy, so they can fix things before they get too bad.

The European Systemic Risk Board is like a safety net for the economy - it's there to catch any problems before they get too serious, and make sure that people don't get hurt or have a hard time because of them.