ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Trade Union Confederation

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes you might have a problem with something at school or with your friends, and you talk to a grown-up who helps you figure out a solution? That's kind of like what a trade union does for workers. When different workers who do the same job join together in a trade union, they can work together to make sure they get treated fairly and have good working conditions.

Now, sometimes workers in different countries have similar problems and they want to work together to find solutions. That's where the European Trade Union Confederation comes in. It's like a really big trade union, but instead of just being for workers in one country, it's for workers in lots of different countries in Europe.

The European Trade Union Confederation helps workers in different countries share their ideas and work together to solve problems. They might talk to politicians or businesses to make sure workers have good pay, safe working conditions, and other important things.

So, just like how you and your friends might work together to solve a problem at school, workers in Europe can work together through the European Trade Union Confederation to make sure they have good jobs and are treated fairly.