ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European University Association

The European University Association, or EUA for short, is a club for universities in Europe to hang out and help each other. Imagine if you and your friends had a club where you helped each other with homework or played games together - that's kind of what EUA is like! But instead of just a few friends, EUA has over 800 universities from all across Europe!

These universities all come together because they want to work together to make education better for everyone. They talk about important stuff like how to make sure that students from all different backgrounds have the same opportunities to get an education, and how to make sure that everyone who wants to go to college can do it without having to worry about money. They also talk about how to make sure that the education students are getting is high-quality and useful.

The EUA is not just for the big and fancy universities, though. They believe that all universities are important and that they can all make a difference. That's why they work with universities from all different countries and backgrounds.

So, the European University Association is like a big group of friends that are working together to make sure that everyone has access to a great education, no matter where they come from or how big or small their university is.