ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exchequer of Ireland

Ok kiddo, imagine you have a piggy bank where you keep all your money. The government of Ireland also has a piggy bank called the Exchequer. But instead of just one piggy bank, they have many different piggy banks for different things, like paying for schools and hospitals and roads.

The people who work for the Exchequer are kind of like grown-up piggy bank managers. They make sure the money goes where it needs to go, and they keep track of how much money is in each piggy bank. They also make sure that the government has enough money to pay for everything it needs to pay for.

When people in Ireland pay taxes, some of that money goes into the Exchequer piggy banks. Then, when the government needs to pay for something, they can take money out of the piggy bank that is meant for that thing.

So basically, the Exchequer of Ireland is like a bunch of piggy banks that the government uses to keep track of its money, pay for things, and make sure there is enough money for everything that needs to be paid for.