ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exemption (Catholic canon law)

Okay, so let's pretend you are playing a game with your friends. In this game, there are rules that everyone has to follow. But sometimes, there may be a special rule that allows someone to not follow a certain rule. This special rule is called an exemption.

Now, let's talk about the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has rules too! These rules are called canon laws. They are kind of like a big rulebook that tells people what they should do and how they should behave.

But sometimes, there are special situations where someone might need an exemption from one of these rules. Let's imagine a make-believe situation - let's call it a hypothetical scenario.

In this make-believe situation, there is a rule in the Catholic Church that says priests cannot eat any candy during certain times. However, imagine there is a priest who has a medical condition that requires him to eat candy sometimes to stay healthy. In this case, the priest may be able to ask for an exemption from the rule about not eating candy during certain times.

The exemption would allow the priest to eat candy even though the rule says he should not. But this exemption wouldn't just be given to anyone. The priest would have to talk to someone important in the Church, like a bishop or a higher-ranking priest, and explain why he needs the exemption. They would carefully listen to the priest's reasons and then decide whether or not to grant the exemption.

It's important to remember that exemptions in Catholic canon law are not given easily. They are usually only granted when there is a good reason, like a serious health issue or a special circumstance. The people in charge of making these decisions want to make sure that when an exemption is given, it is fair and justified.

So, just like in your game with your friends, exemptions in Catholic canon law are special rules that allow someone to not follow a certain rule, but only if they have a good reason and if the people in charge think it's fair.