Existential Thomism is a way of thinking that combines the ideas of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the philosophy of existence. Saint Thomas Aquinas was a smart man who lived a long time ago and had lots of ideas about how we can learn about the world around us. The philosophy of existence is all about figuring out what it means to be alive and why we are here.
Now, imagine you have a favorite toy. It's a stuffed animal that you hug and love. It exists in the world because you can see it, touch it, and feel it. Saint Thomas Aquinas would say that this toy is real because it has substance and essence. That means that it exists in a certain way and has a purpose.
Existential Thomism takes this idea even further. It says that everything in the world has an existence that's unique to it. That means every person, animal, plant, and object has a reason for being here. You might ask, "why do I exist?" or "what's my purpose?" Existential Thomism says that you exist because you have a unique role to play in the world. Maybe you're here to help others or to make the world a better place.
So, in summary, Existential Thomism is all about figuring out why we are here and what our purpose is in life. It takes ideas from a smart man named Saint Thomas Aquinas and combines them with the philosophy of existence. Ultimately, it helps us understand ourselves, the world around us, and our place in it.