ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exit examination

An exit examination is like a test that students take at the end of their schooling to show what they have learned. It is called an "exit" examination because it is one of the last things a student does before they leave school.

Imagine that you are going to visit your grandparents, and you want to show them all the things you have learned in school this year. You might put together a little presentation with pictures and stories to show them how good you are at math, reading, and science.

In a similar way, when students take an exit exam, they are showing what they have learned in all their years of school. The exam might include questions about math, reading, science, history, or other subjects. The questions can be multiple choice or require a written answer.

The goal of an exit exam is to make sure that students have the knowledge and skills they need before they move on to the next stage of their life, whether that is college, a job, or something else. It helps to measure how well schools are doing in teaching their students and if they have achieved the desired level of learning.