ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exodus 14

Exodus 14 is a story from the Bible about when God helped the Israelites escape from Egypt. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt, but God wanted to set them free and bring them to a new land called Canaan.

One day, Moses (who was a leader of the Israelites) led them out of Egypt and towards Canaan. However, the Egyptian king (Pharaoh) changed his mind and sent his army to chase after the Israelites.

The Israelites were scared because they were trapped. They couldn't go forward because there was a big sea (Red Sea) blocking their way, and they couldn't go back because the Egyptians were coming.

But God had a plan to help them. He told Moses to lift up his staff and stretch out his hand over the sea, and to divide the waters so the Israelites could pass through.

Moses did this, and God caused a strong wind to blow that separated the waters of the sea, creating a dry path in the middle. The Israelites were amazed as they walked through the sea on dry ground!

Meanwhile, the Egyptian army continued to chase after them. But when they entered the sea, God caused the waters to come crashing down on them, drowning them all. This allowed the Israelites to escape safely to the other side.

The Israelites were overjoyed at God's powerful and miraculous act of deliverance. They were now free from slavery and heading towards their new home in Canaan.