ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exodus 16

Okay, so in Exodus 16, the Israelites were traveling through a desert. They were hungry and started complaining to Moses and Aaron that they had nothing to eat. God heard them and decided to give them food.

God told Moses that He would send them bread from heaven, also known as manna. Each day, manna would appear on the ground and the Israelites had to gather enough for their family for the day. They were not allowed to gather more than they needed or it would go bad.

On the sixth day, they were allowed to gather enough for two days so that they didn't need to work on the Sabbath day, which was a day of rest.

God also sent them quail for meat, which was a lot easier to catch than going out hunting.

Overall, God took care of the Israelites and provided them with food even in the desert.