ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exposed terminal problem

Hi there kiddo!

Have you ever seen a group of people all trying to talk at the same time? It can get pretty confusing, right? Well, that's kind of like what happens with computers when they send messages back and forth to each other.

One computer might send a message to another computer, but then another computer in the middle hears that message and gets confused. It thinks the message is for it, and it tries to send a message back. But then, the original computer gets confused because it wasn't expecting a message from this other computer. This is called the "exposed terminal problem."

It's kind of like everyone trying to talk at the same time and no one being able to understand each other! It happens when one computer thinks it's okay to send a message because it doesn't realize that another computer nearby is already talking to a different computer.

This can cause big problems because messages can get lost or messed up. So, it's important for computers to be really good listeners and wait their turn to talk. Because just like in a conversation between people, everyone needs to take turns talking to make sure everyone understands each other!